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Elephant in the Boardroom

Terri Long and Jeremy Eden, Co-CEOs of Harvest Earnings. who have worked with hundreds of Fortune 1000 executives.  They chat about the wins, the grins and the true crimes against getting stuff done in corporate America. Jeremy and Terri don't shy away from calling out the revered business practices that maybe shouldn't be. We are looking at you "mission statements". Take a few minute break and learn from two experienced anti-consultants.

Return To Office: This Could Be Heaven Or This Could Be Hell

Did Amazon announce a five-day return to office mandate for nefarious reasons? Discuss! oh, and also talk about the plusses and minusses of going in to the office.

Keep Your Network Close and Your Friends Closer

People are too quick to throw away a good network or even worse, not build one in th first place. Terri and Jeremy discuss the perils and benefits of staying in touch.

Dealing with a Narcissist: Fight or Flight?

Terri and Jeremy talk about how to deal with a narcissist and whether or not you should even try!

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