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Elephant in the Boardroom

Terri Long and Jeremy Eden, Co-CEOs of Harvest Earnings. who have worked with hundreds of Fortune 1000 executives.  They chat about the wins, the grins and the true crimes against getting stuff done in corporate America. Jeremy and Terri don't shy away from calling out the revered business practices that maybe shouldn't be. We are looking at you "mission statements". Take a few minute break and learn from two experienced anti-consultants.

How to Get Your MOJO Back

Lost your motivation? Terri and Jeremy discuss a few pointers on how to get it back and how to help your team get theirs back, too!

Time Is Not On Your Side So Use It Wisely

Consistently Inconsistent Decision Making in Corporations

Jeremy and Terri discuss (well, fume!) over the inconsistent approach to decision making in corporations. Some decisions are put through the ringer and others are held to a much lower standard. This can't be good!

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